Threat / Vulnerability Assessments
Our Staff has conducted hundreds of Threat and Vulnerability Assessments around the world; from historic national landmarks and critical infrastructure to national icons. Fitzgerald Technology Group utilizes a hybrid Threat and Vulnerability methodology that covers the complete spectrum of threat scenarios, coupling the probability of event with the capital and recurring countermeasures cost; we then provide analysis of the complete or partial mitigation.
Our assessment model reviews standard and emergency response plans, command operations, response training, communication capabilities, mutual aid, event containment, force multiplication, emergency management, continuity of operations, media coordination and recovery planning. We strive to balance the response force with appropriate countermeasures and policies / procedures that minimize event consequences, while maximizing the safety and security through appropriate responder planning and execution.
This process provides the foundation for effective countermeasures and program cost development, and initiates the countermeasures planning and design process.